Solution Areas and research funding (2024)

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A message from school leadership announcing solutions-oriented and scale-focused research funding opportunities to address pressing sustainability challenges.

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to announce the launch by the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability (SDSS) of a broad suite of solutions-oriented and scale-focused research funding opportunities to address pressing sustainability challenges where Stanford has the expertise to make a meaningful impact in the world. This is complementary to the Discovery grants in SDSS that focus on knowledge-driven research.

Solution Areas

Based on faculty input over several workshops and discussions, SDSS has identified eight Solution Areas in sustainability, which are listed below. Over the course of the next year, we will be announcing all-campus, faculty-led strategy workshops followed by requests for proposals (RFPs) in these Solution Areas:

Solution Areas and research funding (1)

Integrative Projects & Flagship Destinations

Two types of research initiatives will be launched for each Solution Area.

Integrative Projects will be managed by the Institutes (Woods, Precourt, and Sustainable Societies [under planning]), which will identify, nurture, and fund solutions-oriented, partner-engaged, interdisciplinary research to address significant knowledge gaps necessary to create impactful sustainability solutions. The Institutes will launch new funding mechanisms targeting decadal thrusts to develop a strong portfolio of integrative projects in each of the solution areas.

The Sustainability Accelerator, launched in 2022, was created to fill a gap at Stanford to help our faculty, postdocs, and students launch scalable solutions. It achieves this in two ways:

  1. Help identify Flagship Destinations, which are quantitative stretch goals for scale and speed in solution areas. Working backward from these targets, in consultation with faculty and external domain experts, the Accelerator will determine key gaps in technology and policy with scale and speed in mind, which if addressed through research and partner engagement, will help accelerate the development and de-risking of solutions to demonstrate the proof of scalability needed to launch innovative solutions out of Stanford.

  2. In some cases, there will be innovative solutions that have demonstrated proof-of-concept and require additional resources, mentoring, and stewardship to have a successful launch for scalability out of Stanford. These projects could emerge from extramural funding (e.g., federal or state government, philanthropy, etc.) or from internal funding via the Institutes (e.g., Integrative Projects and other mechanisms) and need not be associated with Flagship Destinations.

For both Integrative Projects and Flagship Destinations, strategy workshops with faculty help identify key gaps and research opportunities, shape a strategic vision, and inform RFPs. Workshops and RFPs are open to all faculty at Stanford. Funding decisions will be made via a competition of ideas in response to the RFPs and a thorough review process conducted by the Institutes and the Accelerator involving internal and external domain experts.

Coordinated Process

There is significant potential for synergy between research funded and managed by the Institutes and the Accelerator. Therefore, the Institutes and the Accelerator will develop a well-coordinated stewardship process to work with our faculty and ensure that their innovative ideas for solutions receive the necessary support at various stages of development. For example, based on their interests and understanding of the stage of their ideas, individual or small teams of faculty can participate in strategic planning and the development of a targeted group of Integrative Projects, respond to RFPs for Flagship Destinations, or both. The SDSS Dean’s office will ensure effective coordination and strategy to make the whole (Institutes+Accelerator) bigger than the sum of our parts for maximum impact. It will also provide seed funding and conduct necessary fundraising to catalyze research in these Solution Areas and help launch scalable solutions out of Stanford.

What’s Next

This week you will see an announcement outlining the Flagship Destinations and the release of two Sustainability Accelerator RFPs. Be on the lookout for information later this week on the Accelerator website. Also stay tuned for the schedule of workshops and RFPs for integrative projects early in the fall term.

Thank you for your partnership as we look to create a world where humans and nature can thrive in concert and in perpetuity with one another.

In partnership,

Will Chueh, Director, Precourt Institute for Energy
Yi Cui, Faculty Director of the Sustainability Accelerator
Jenna Davis, Associate Dean
Scott Fendorf, Senior Associate Dean
Chris Field, Director, Woods Institute for the Environment
Arun Majumdar, Dean
Charlotte Pera, Executive Director of the Sustainability Accelerator

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  • New climate and sustainability research efforts will focus on eight ‘Solution Areas’

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Solution Areas and research funding (2024)


How do you manage research funding? ›

Identify when an award has been granted and how to get started. Outline the importance of being familiar with funder requirements. Determine the best approach to optimising research income and provide reassurance to funders of sound financial management. Recognise the importance of considering the external perspective.

What is the largest source of funding for research? ›

The federal government has been the largest funder of academic R&D since 1953; in 2021, federal funding supported 55% of academic R&D spending. Academic institutions were the second largest source of funding for academic R&D, contributing 25% of the funds.

What does research funding do? ›

So, how exactly does funding work? Funds assist qualifying researchers with money, equipment, or both to conduct approved research or trials. The grantee is in charge of carrying out activities, reporting progress, and preparing results for publishing.

How do you seek funding for research? ›

The details of the process may vary between countries and funding bodies, but the principal stages are likely to be very similar.
  1. Research project stakeholders.
  2. Developing a research proposal.
  3. Identifying research funding.
  4. Costing and pricing a research proposal.
  5. Internal approval for research proposals.

How do you raise research funding? ›

7 Ways To Raise Money For Your Research Project
  1. Use Crowdfunding. One of the most famous ways of raising funds for any independent project is crowdfunding. ...
  2. Seek Government Assistance. ...
  3. Fellowships And Stipends. ...
  4. Corporate Sponsorships. ...
  5. Seek Angel Investors. ...
  6. Approach Venture Capitalist. ...
  7. Grants.
Apr 23, 2023

How do you secure research funding? ›

1 Identify potential sources

Before you start writing your proposal, you need to identify the potential sources of funding that match your research goals, scope, and budget. There are many types of research funding available, such as grants, fellowships, scholarships, contracts, awards, and prizes.

What are the three main types of funding? ›

The main sources of funding are retained earnings, debt capital, and equity capital.

What is the success rate of research funding? ›

The success rate promptly drops from 35% (where it has been for years) to 25%. A 7.14% decrease in the budget leads to a 28.57% fall in the success rate. In other words, each 1% cut in budget translates to a 4% cut in funding for new awards!

What is basic research funded by? ›

In the United States, basic research is funded mainly by the federal government and done mainly at universities and institutes. As government funding has diminished in the 2010s, however, private funding is increasingly important.

What should I spend research funds on? ›

How to use research funds
  • Going on a mission.
  • Applying for reimbursem*nt of a purchase.
  • The purchasing of goods or services.
  • The purchasing of publishing services.
  • The hiring of personnel on contract.
  • Inviting scholars from other institutions.
  • Organising meetings and workshops.

What is an example of a funding statement in research? ›

Examples of Funding Statement: "The research leading to these results has received funding from the PROJECT titled "AAA" in the frame of the program "BBB" under the Grant agreement number NNN."

What are the benefits of funding research and development? ›

Research and development (R&D) is an essential driver of economic growth as it spurs innovation, invention, and progress. R&D spending can lead to breakthroughs that can drive profits and well-being for consumers.

How hard is it to get research funding? ›

Applying for research funding can be difficult, time-consuming, and stressful, besides the fact that it has, now, become an increasingly competitive and demanding job. There are many challenges that an applicant needs to address to keep oneself competitive, and that is much beyond motivation.

How to ask for research funding? ›

Because most proposal writers seek funding from several different agencies or granting programs, it is a good idea to begin by developing a general grant proposal and budget. This general proposal is sometimes called a “white paper.” Your general proposal should explain your project to a general academic audience.

How to do research without funding? ›

How to get started with your research without research grants.
  1. Search the literature. Great applications always start with great ideas, and great ideas come from creative thinking. ...
  2. Find a mentor. ...
  3. Get free research consumables. ...
  4. Apply for small research grants. ...
  5. Pitch your research idea.
Oct 17, 2021

How do you manage a research budget? ›

Determine the eligible expense categories and maximum amount allowed by the sponsor. Adjust scope of the project to make sure proposed activities fit within the allowance. Categorize these costs (e.g., salaries, supplies, equipment…) per year, in some cases by quarter. Ensure that project scope and budget match.

How do you manage a R&D budget? ›

What are the most effective ways to budget for R&D?
  1. Align R&D with business goals.
  2. Choose the right R&D methodology.
  3. Estimate R&D costs and benefits.
  4. Set R&D budget limits and contingencies.
  5. Track and review R&D spending and performance.
  6. Adjust R&D budget as needed.
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Mar 8, 2024

How do you manage research effectively? ›

How can you manage research teams more effectively?
  1. Define the goals and roles. ...
  2. Communicate regularly and openly. ...
  3. Support and empower your team members. ...
  4. Encourage diversity and inclusion. ...
  5. Resolve conflicts and challenges.
  6. Celebrate and learn from your outcomes. ...
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Aug 16, 2023

How do you manage funds? ›

These seven practical money management tips are here to help you take control of your finances.
  1. Make a budget. ...
  2. Track your spending. ...
  3. Save for retirement. ...
  4. Save for emergencies. ...
  5. Plan to pay off debt. ...
  6. Establish good credit habits. ...
  7. Monitor your credit.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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