Replacement Number Plates NSW | JB Solicitors (2024)

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Replacement Number Plates NSW | JB Solicitors (1)

Why do you need replacement number plates NSW? At some point, your current front or rear plate will wear out. It may suffer from damage, or you may lose it over time. Getting replacement number plates NSW is important for vehicle identification, law enforcement, revenue collection, and public safety.

This article will cover why you need replacement number plates NSW, how to get replacement number plates NSW, and the cost and processing time.

Replacement Number Plates NSW: Damaged, Worn, Lost, Stolen Plates

The Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2017 of NSW states that a unique registration number must be assigned to a vehicle by Transport for NSW upon registration of a registrable vehicle.

Section 28 of the Regulation says Transport for NSW can replace a number plate for an existing plate and you pay a fee.

Subdivision 5 of the Regulation outlines the rules and penalties for damaged, destroyed or missing number plates:

  • Section 29 – To get replacement number plates under section 28 the owner of a damaged number plate must surrender it to Transport for NSW as soon as possible. If Transport for NSW agrees in a particular case the plate holder must surrender any other number plates with the same identifying number at the same time. Penalty: 20 penalty units (max).
  • Section 30 – This section applies to lost, stolen, or destroyed number plates. The regulation says the plate holder must do the following as soon as practicable after they find out their number plate is lost, destroyed, or stolen:
    • notify Transport for NSW in writing of the loss, theft, or destruction
    • deliver to Transport for NSW any other number plate with the same number unless it too is lost, stolen, or destroyed.

    TfNSW will require the plate holder to:

    1. provide evidence to support the loss, theft, or destruction of the number plates, vehicle registration plates, or personalised plates.If it’s stolen, report it to the NSW Police and get aCOPS Event Number.
    2. provide a statement of facts
    3. pay the applicable fee for the replacement number plates NSW and get new plates.

    But if the holder finds the lost or stolen number plate they must notify TfNSW immediately and deliver it to them. Any breach of this will incur 20 penalty units (max).

    Replacement Number Plates NSW Importance

    Why do you need to replace damaged, worn, lost, or stolennumber plates? In NSW, there are certain number plate requirements that vehicle owners must comply with. Vehicles with incorrectly installed, obscured, defaced, or unreadable number plates are illegal for drivers and registered operators.

    Note that the law also requires the visibility and lights of number plates at all times. Number plates must be permanently fixed to the car so they are parallel to the axles, upright, and no higher than 1.3 metres above the ground.

    Also, they must be readable at all distances up to 20 metres from the plate and within a 45-degree arc from the plate’s surface above or to either side of the car. Vehicles must have at least one number plate light on the back.

    When turned on, number plate lights on cars must emit white light onto the number plates so the numbers can be seen at night 20 metres behind the vehicle. Number plate lights must not obscure the numbers on the plates or shine white light at the back of cars.

    When the car’s headlights, taillights, or parking lights are turned on the number plate lights must be wired to turn on and stay on.

    Replacement Number Plates NSW | JB Solicitors (2)

    Number Plates NSW Offences

    Here are some demerit pointoffencesfor fines related to number plate violations:

    OffencePenalty Notice FinesPointsDouble Demerits?
    Use vehicle with unauthorised number plate (class A)AUD 5143No
    Use vehicle displaying altered plate (class A)AUD 5143No
    Use vehicle displaying misleading plate (class A)AUD 5143No
    Use vehicle without correctly fixed/displayed number plate (class A)AUD 5143No
    Use vehicle with obscured/defaced/illegible number plate (class A)AUD 5143No
    Use vehicle with unauthorised number plate (class B or C)AUD 7723No
    Use vehicle with illegal number plate (class B or C)AUD 7723No
    Use vehicle without correctly fixed/displayed number plate (class B or C)AUD 7723No

    How to Replace NSW Number Plates?

    Any person whose number plates are registered in their name canapplyfor replacement number plates NSW.

    If the content and style of your current NSW-issued number plates are worn out or damaged you can replace them at a Service NSW Centre or through myPlates if they are in stock. You can also:

    • restyle your licence plate (custom plate)
    • order a new plate or custom plates
    • change plates from special to standard plates (Buses have black on yellow plates)
    • Move you new plate especially if a tow bar, bike rack, or mobility device rack obstructs its view.

    For lost, stolen, or damaged number plates, you can’t get a replacement.

    There are two ways for replacement number plates NSW:

    1. Online.For this option you will need:
    • name and contact details
    • driver licence number or customer number (if a business)
    • number plate details
    • old number plates
    • payment (see rateshere)
    1. Service Centre.Bring:
    • completedform– ‘Number Plates and/or Cancellation of Registration’
    • proof of identity
    • old number plates
    • payment for personal plates (including the annual reserve fee or pay the exchange plsu any relevant fees)

    If your number plate is due for replacement do it now. Remember, driving with damaged or illegible plates can result in fines. By replacing them now, you can keep your car legal and have a safer driving experience for everyone.

    Replacement Number Plates NSW | JB Solicitors (3)

    Traffic Offence Lawyers at JB Solicitors.

    If you’re having trouble with replacement number plates NSW, contact a traffic offence lawyer fromJB Solicitors. Traffic offence lawyers can help you if you’re facing a big fine, licence suspension, or a complicated legal situation. Moreover, if it gets messy (e.g. alleged NSW number plate tampering, not using a yellow plate) we can represent you in court.

    Contact us.

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    Replacement Number Plates NSW | JB Solicitors (2024)


    How much does it cost to get new number plates in NSW? ›

    Replacement plate costs

    Styles start from $219 for cars and $109 for motorbikes. This is a one-off payment. The style you choose determines the one-off component of the total price of your plate.

    Can you get 7 letter number plates in NSW? ›

    Your preferred plate can be a combination of numbers and letters, up to a maximum of 7 characters for a car. You have the option of using an existing slogan or creating your own. There are also numerous plate categories to choose from here.

    What are the rules for number plates in NSW? ›

    Number plates must be permanently fitted to vehicles in an upright position and parallel to the vehicle's axles, and not more than 1.3 metres above ground level. Number plates must not be obscured, defaced or otherwise not legible.

    Can I keep my number plates in NSW? ›

    You can store NSW number plates that are registered in your name if any of the following apply: they're currently in use on a vehicle with an active registration. they were being used on a vehicle that had registration which expired less than 3 months ago. they have been ordered but are not in use yet.

    How much is a 3 digit number plate NSW? ›

    Transferring number plate fees
    Number plate typeCar/truckMotorcycle
    4 digit numeral-only$1,219$178
    3 digit numeral-only$2,438$239
    2 digit numeral-only$4,876$487
    1 digit numeral-only$12,191$2,438
    6 more rows

    How do I get a number plate in NSW? ›

    Get a plate

    A: You can order plates online on the myPlates website, via our Contact Centre on 02 9433 1600 or at a Service NSW Centre. If purchasing a new vehicle, you can also order via your dealership.

    How much is the number plate 7 worth in NSW? ›

    NSW 7 valued at around $4,000,000. Yes, you read that right, FOUR MILLION DOLLARS! What a P plate flex 💪🏼 Thanks to Frances for the 📸 Visit to see what your number plate could sell for. Heritage plates are the NFTs of the automotive world.

    How much do euro plates cost in NSW? ›

    Plate fact file

    * Euro plates cost $180 for a general-issue set, $350 for personalised Euro plates and $180 for remakes. * General-issue Euro plates are a combination of three letters, two numbers and one letter (N XW-02Y, for example).

    How many 7 digit license plate combinations are there? ›

    Therefore, there are approximately 158 million possible California license plate combinations. Since a car can have multiple plates throughout its lifetime and combinations are not re-used after a vehicle replaces a plate, the state will run out of plate combinations before reaching 158+ million vehicles registered.

    How long can you drive in NSW with interstate plates? ›

    If you have moved to NSW and intend to stay longer than 3 months, you must transfer registration of your interstate vehicle to NSW. After 3 months, it is an offence to own a vehicle registered in another state but garaged in NSW. Find out how to transfer rego in NSW.

    Can I sell my NSW number plates? ›

    Whilst you cannot sell your custom plates to another person, you can attach them to a vehicle and sell that vehicle to another person. Once the buyer has taken ownership of the vehicle, he or she can then transfer the number plate to any other vehicle they own.

    Do NSW number plates have a warranty? ›

    If any of your Special Number Plates are lost or stolen, you must immediately advise TfNSW or Service NSW centre and apply for alternative plates. TfNSW warrants your Special Number Plates against defects for 7 years after issue (excluding damage or misuse).

    What can I do with old NSW number plates? ›

    If it's been more than 3 months since the expiry date or if your registration is cancelled for any reason, it is an offence to keep the number plates. You must hand in them in at a service centre.

    How long can you leave your car unregistered in NSW? ›

    If the registration expired more than 3 months ago, you'll need to re-register the vehicle. Note: If an unregistered vehicle is parked on a road or road-related area and the registration is more than 15 days overdue, the Police can seize the number plates. If this occurs, the vehicle will need to be re-registered.

    What is the fine for not handing in number plates NSW? ›

    Fine for not handing in number plates NSW

    As such, it's an offence not to hand in your number plates when you scrap your car in NSW. The maximum fine for this offence is $2200. It's also an offence to sell, give away or dispose of your number plates without handing them into a scrap yard or the Department of Transport.

    How much does it cost to get new number plates in WA? ›

    State plates (ordinary) fees
    Fee typeFee
    Ordinary number plate issue fee (first issue only)$31.10
    Reissue a retained ordinary number plate$19.40
    Remake an ordinary number plate$47.90
    May 13, 2024

    How much is a Personalised number plate free state? ›

    Free State: R3,000. North West: R2,800. Northern Cap: R2,530.

    How to remove a number plate? ›

    Firstly, start by removing the old number plate by lifting off the screw covers and removing the screws. Put the screws to one side. If the number plate is held in place with double-sided adhesive pads or tape, you should be able to pull or prise it off.

    What is the yellow number plate in NSW? ›

    If you have a vehicle used for tourist, charter or long distance passenger services, you can apply for tourist vehicle plates at a Service NSW Centre. Tourist vehicle plates are issued as a set of 2 number plates with a yellow background and the letters TV followed by: 3 or 4 numbers, or. 3 numbers and a letter.


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    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.